All New Turbos and Tiaras UK
2020, Well… Glad that is over! Hopefully, the outlook for 2021 is bigger, brighter, and better looking all round! With that in mind, we wanted to start the year as we mean to go on, new year, new us! But before we get to the new us, you should probably learn about the old us!
We started this group in March 2020, yes… that March! The group was launched immediately before lockdown, in the hope that once we were past the initial wave of COVID-19, we could arrange some local meets, attend some shows and slowly grow our little family into an active and thriving group… well, we all know how that turned out!
We managed a few small meets, in line with Government restrictions, including a couple of North Essex Driveouts in conjunction with Roadstr App’s Help and Drive campaign, raising money for COVID-19 relief worldwide. Our group grew bigger than any of us imagined – currently sitting at around 2.5K members in the group. The growth of the group bought about the need for local reps, again we hoped they would be able to arrange local meets and convoys to larger national events but… well… 2020 happened. The ladies worked hard building up the group, inviting friends, as well as making new ones along the way from all around the globe, not just the UK!
As the nights drew in and it became clear that this year was not going to give any reprieve, we considered our options for 2021, we want to continue to build on the growth of our sisterhood, plan for events/meets, learn more about what our members want from the group, all of which we want to continually do throughout the year and beyond. We knew that to do this, we needed to have a sleek new image, something that represented what we stand for as a brand, a group, a family. Around this time Rebecca Brocton joined our team as a local rep, she approached us about helping with any promotions, etc & told us her skills included design and web design, it was like the fates had bought us all together!
She set about putting some ideas together and we were blown away, the design was sleek, strong, conveyed our message of inclusivity, variety, and strength among female petrolheads. So really “New Us”, is just the same old us, with a new outfit and a renewed determination to make our little family the best it can be!
And so today 1/1/2021, we launch the new Turbos and Tiaras UK Website and our new logo! With these now here, will be launching new merchandise, with our first drop a month from now, a regular blog here, more meets/events, and of course, content. We wouldn’t be here without any of you our members/followers. So we want to hear from you what you want to see from your group, Do you want videos, do you want photoshoots, do you want us to build a female-run automotive business listing? want us to include more posts on certain subjects? Let us know! we love hearing your feedback and we want to make this group work for everyone!
Happy New Year to you all! Here is to 2021! May the year be kinder to us all, the weather be on our side and may we all have safe travels!
Until the next time!
For all Women, For all Vehicles, We are Turbos and Tiaras UK <3